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Design Study Department

The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. has the responsibility of keeping its flower show judges and exhibitors alike up-to-date on current and new design introductions. The objective of the Design Study department is to encourage interest in flower arranging. Floral designs from the traditional to the latest creative styles will be studied. Flower arranging is an evolving art form, always progressing and changing. In order to keep current in the design world, articles will be published in The Garden Path and design study workshops will be planned throughout the state. The Faye Collins Designer of the Year Contest falls under the direction of the Design Study department. Contest deadline is May 31.

Faye Collins Designer of the Year Contest This contest recognizes designers based on photographs of arrangements that are submitted. The contest is open to club members and Individual Members of The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. Entries are limited to one (1) entry per class, though one person may enter all five (5) classes. Each submitted photograph must be accompanied by an entry form. Either the designer or photographer may enter the contest. If someone other than the designer enters a photo, permission to enter must be given by the designer. Credit must be given to the designer and entered in the designer’s name, on a label affixed to the back of the photo. Winners are selected from photographs that are submitted. Photograph must be approximately 4"x 6". Send the contest entries to the state Design Study Chair in printed copy, in jpeg format if possible. Entries must be postmarked by May 31. Late entries will be docked a late penalty of 1 point per day, not to exceed a 5-point penalty. Use this score sheet as a guide when entering the contest. Digital versions for this contest will be accepted.

The contest entries will be scored by judges selected by the State Design Study chair. Certificates will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners in each class. The top design, selected from the 1st place winners in each class, will be presented with the Faye Collins Designer of the Year Award by the State Design Study Chair at convention.

2023 FCDY Winner - Julie Divelbiss

faqs about the design study department

What does the Design Study Department do?

The design study department is to encourage interest in flower arranging.  Floral designs from traditional to the latest creative styles will be studied.  Design study workshops will be planned throughout the state.  The Design Study Chair secures entries for the Faye Collins Designer of the Year contest and selects judges to evaluate the photographs and the winner is presented with the award at convention. The Design Study chair conducts design workshops at each E & J School on the first evening featuring one design from that school.

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