Scholarship OpportunitiesAre you pursuing a degree in plant sciences, sustainable agriculture, floral arts, or landscape design? Check out the scholarship opportunities listed below. The OAGC Foundation annually awards scholarships of an amount not less than $1000. The recipient must choose an accredited Ohio college or technical school beyond the high school level which offers courses leading to a career in the fields of horticulture, conservation, nature and beautification, landscape design, landscape contracting, commercial florist or floral arts. The applicant does not need to be a resident of the state of Ohio. The eligibility is determined solely by the scholastic ability and serious career intent of the applicant without regard to race, gender, age, creed and/or economic status. The deadline to submit the scholarship application form and all supporting documentation is March 15. The OAGC Scholarship Application Form and Instructions can be downloaded HERE. The scholarships listed below are not provided or funded by OAGC - contact the appropriate organization listed with any questions that you may have. If you wish to have your scholarship listed, please contact OAGC's Marketing Chair. |
Mary T. Carothers Summer Environmental Studies Scholarship $3,000 to one student annually Western Reserve Herb Society Scholarships $6,000-14,000 for plant sciences Call for more information: (216) 387-6646 | Blades of Green Scholarship Fund $1,000 for Environmental Studies
$250-1,000 for fields of study that protect wildlife and the environment | $1,000 for Environmental Studies Claes Nobel Good Earth Sustainability Scholarship $2,000 for conservation | $5,000 for any environmental major
Award amount varies - study in soil or plant sciences |